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Patrick Keane

Writer's picture: sophiasalmassisophiasalmassi

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Growing up I never thought about comedy being smart or cheap but I see it now. It's not a choice, it's just what I like. Bill Murray, Gene Wilder, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers, Monty Python, John Hughes. Seinfeld.

What comedian most inspires you?

I love Seinfeld and Garry Shandling. Also, Zach Galafianakis and Bill Burr.

Which comedian scares the shit out of you because you know you'll never be that good?

Carlin and Pryor and Hicks and Rock. They're so good and covered so much. I don't see anyone ever being as good as them. They had balls to take on an audience. I don't know if I have that. My disposition is more like Brian Regan and Jim Gaffigan.

How and why did you get into stand up comedy?

I got into stand up because I always liked writing comedy and it was the quickest way for it to be seen. I prefer acting and writing and would still like that to be the focus. Stand up never was bad enough to quit. someone would make me stop sometimes. I'll quit if I can get a writing job.

What drives me to do what I do?

I used to think comedy was just a side thing. That it wasn't the center of our culture. I see now how important it is. I see how controlled people are with what language they can use and they're slaves to society without knowing it. Comedy is the only thing I could do. I've tried other jobs and didn't care for any of the lifestyle that an office job had. Corporate talk, business talk is nauseous. People talk to each other like this? I like talking without filter. Not that I swear or speak in graphic tone, but I like to be free. At least as free as I think I can be. I don't see that in so much society. I see people dying and sick from lifestyle. Lifestyle of trying to live up to what's socially acceptable. Family, kids, house, cars, schools, social standing. It's laughable and said and pathetic to me. There are so many people living that way who don't want to. It's fine if that's what you want, but it shouldn't be the expectation.

Describe your perfect Tuesday.

My perfect Tuesday is waking up to Monday night football score. Look at the news, write a little. Work out. Write. Usually two writing sessions a day. Not necessarily stand up writing. Some screenplay writing. Some social media silliness. Some corporate branded short form ideas. 

Best sofa you've ever slept on?

Best sofa was my buddy Frat's house.

What's the best piece of advice a comedian ever gave you?

Best piece of advice was Bill Burr saying not to worry if you're staying on someone's couch. Worse to be in your 30's in a loveless marriage. Better to be living your dream.

What's the worst piece of advice a comedian ever gave you?

Worst piece of advice I've gotten in comedy is "find your voice." Fuck that. Be funny. 

On a scale of 1-10 how hungry are you right now?

I'm about to eat so I'm excited. Don't know how people do it although I'd like to do it someday. Would love to get back to my weight when I lived in Asia.

What's the best chicken you've ever tasted?

Best chicken I ever tasted was shredded chicken in the Salt Lake City airport. So weird. My friend Eric Sitter in Toledo, OH makes the best barbecue I've ever tasted. He has a restaurant there called Sidelines. I spent a lot of time there. 

What's the furthest you've travelled for the least amount of money?

Furthest I've travelled for lowest pay would be flying LA to Tampa for a weekend of work. I'm certain I lost money that weekend but it's common when you're starting. It's just brutal. We had to fly to Detroit first, then Tampa. Rush to get to the show. Be late. Then, not get paid very much. Just so disheartening. And club bookers/owners rarely sympathise. There's very few who are good or who care.

Tell us a joke.

A joke: I got my haircut online today.

How did you get involved with Henry Phillips' new Patreon show Highway Man?

I've known Henry Phillips for about 20 years from when I started doing stand up. Henry and I like to write and do film/TV/sketches/videos as much as we enjoy stand up. That's not the case for a lot of stand up comics. We have similar tastes and appreciate the subtle humour which is something you see less and less of in American comedy.

How was it filming during the pandemic?

Filming during the pandemic wasn't a problem but that's because it was a small cast with an outdoor shoot. 

Do you think crowdfunding is the future of TV and filmmaking?

I like to think there's always a market for smaller scale productions. As long as the story entertains. People's senses are too good now and they can see more and more through the over-produced shows and plots that try to do too much.

How did Highway Man differ from your other experiences in film and TV?

In recent years Henry has taken on directing and editing roles. To have a comedy edited by someone who knows comedy is just completely invaluable. It's rare to get a good script so when you get a good one, you really want it edited right. That's the biggest difference I see. I've seen great comedy scripts and performances made into mediocre final product. It's so frustrating. Comedy is specific and can't be directed and edited by a normal director or editor. Henry taking a hands on approach really makes his projects bounce. Whether it's Henry's Kitchen, or You and Your Fucking Coffee or now with Highway Man. He knows what he wants and you can just trust that and you know it'll be edited into something funny. 

Any last words?

I would suggest to people just getting into the comedy content field to worry more about a clip being funny instead of reach or anything else. All the strategies for social media follower acquisition is nauseating. But it's a necessary evil. I think you'll find that no matter how big someone's social media following is, it's the quality of content as much as anything that gets the following.

Check out Patrick's podcast 'Keane On Things' (23 episodes and counting) and find out more about him, including upcoming shows and his standup special at the links below.

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