What comedy most inspires you?
Just funny and silly comedy. Not taking anything seriously.
Which comedian most inspires you?
Comedians that can make any crowd laugh and are themselves.
Which comedian scares the shit out of you because you know you'll never be that good?
Dave Chappelle and Steve Hughes. They can do hours and hours of jokes at one time.
Why and how did you get into comedy?
I got into comedy because I couldn’t keep a job to save my life. Plus, I was a school clown.
What drives you to do what you do?
Life is too short and I’d rather do something I love for less money than do something I hate for a lot of money.
Describe your perfect Tuesday.
Play football with friends (well I used to before Covid). Cook steak and chips.
Describe your worst experience on a coach.
I was on a Megabus going to Manchester and the only seat available was by the toilets. Let’s just say a couple of people had dodgy food the night before.
Best sofa you've ever slept on?
My mate Bill from Millwall. He has a top couch and is a top geezer!
Best piece of advice a comedian ever gave you?
Jason Manford once said “Keep going, this a marathon and not a sprint”.
Worst piece of advice a critic ever gave you?
A critic once said to me “Comedy is not for you”. I didn’t say it back but, I think comedy was not for them because they tried it themselves and failed.
Tell us a joke.
I don’t tell jokes, I tell stories :-).
What's the furthest you've travelled for the least amount of money/open spot?
Newcastle £10.
On a scale of 1-10 , how hungry are you right now?
How has lockdown been for you?
I can’t really complain as long as I’m still alive :-)
Have you been more or less productive?
I wrote two jokes. I mean, stories.
Anything else you'd like to say?
Vote Trump!

Photo Credit: Noel Faulkner
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