What comedy most inspires you?
I very rarely watch stand up comedy on TV due to anxiety around thinking I’ve come up with a joke when, actually I saw James Acaster say it on Netflix haha.
However in terms of general comedy, I enjoy dark and I try to perform dark with a smile on my face. I have a weakness for cringe comedy like Alan Partridge and Curb Your Enthusiasm. More recently I’ve been re-watching Stath Lets Flats. It’s incredible with characters you feel you’ve encountered in life. Jamie and Natasia Demetriou are a comedic acting powerhouse!
I have recently watched Schitt’s Creek for the second time. You all must watch Schitt’s Creek! It has a fantastic analogy within it for bisexuality.
Which comedian most inspires you?
I can’t pick just one haha. Victoria Wood, Roisin Conaty, Sarah Millican and Michaela Coel. They, in my mind, write “real”. They do such an incredible job.
Which comedian scares the shit out of you because you know you'll never be that good?
Sarah Millican!
Why and how did you get into comedy?
To be honest I just wanted to try it once so that I could say I’d tried it once! I had a couple of people say to me that I should do it and I thought well why not? It went well, then I became an adrenaline and approval addict. Truthfully though, doing comedy about having invisible illnesses, squashing preconceptions about that and about sex and sexuality just compliments my teacher-like personality so well. I’ve been thanked by others with bowel problems about my Crohns Disease jokes.
That sort of approval made me continue doing it, it’s been 3 years (May 2020).
What drives you to do what you do?
Spreading the good word about being ill, being wobbly, relationships and being bi.
Describe your perfect Tuesday.
Dishes have already been done (weird start but they never are haha). Have a beautiful breakfast. See my mam and my nearest and dearest. Go catch some affection from my dog George who lives at my mams.
Then go to Perriswood and see the owls and falcons and their giant dog. Do some archery and shooting (metal animals not real ones).
Do a comedy gig (in person – like a dream!)
Finished by my some of my favourites for dinner – corned beef stew with dumplings then peaches and ice cream.
Big ol bath. Clean sheets and pj’s and some sleep. Having MS and Crohns means I probably take the day off work on Wednesday to recover hahaha.
Describe your worst experience on a coach.
I was travelling to Austria by coach (25 hours) with my Mam when I was 19. I’d been a bit poorly with tonsillitis beforehand but we decided to go. I went blue on the bus through my temperature dropping and I can barely remember the journey apart from having a first ever panic attack in the Eurotunnel. Turns out I had glandular fever! No wonder I felt like shite.
Best sofa you've ever slept on?
Mine! It’s a low back and when I’m sat up on it I have to put loads of cushions behind me BUT when I lie on it it’s perfect for a kip. The arms are low too so you can put your legs up. Lush.
Best piece of advice a comedian ever gave you?
Don’t get into debt over comedy.
Worst piece of advice a critic ever gave you?
Don’t be sassy to lairy audience members. It’s always worked for me!
Tell us a joke.
I once bought glue instead of KY jelly because of similar labelling. What happened then? My lips are sealed.
What's the furthest you've travelled for the least amount of money/open spot?
Who are you looking forward to seeing in Edinburgh this year?
I’d like to see Edinburgh 2021 go ahead full stop! I don’t have too much knowledge of other comedians due to question 1 and worrying I pick up other people’s jokes. What I will say though is I really enjoyed Edinburgh Fringe when I went a few years back and when the world is normal I recommend it as an experience to anyone and everyone. Book CODE Hostel in January, they’re amazing (not affiliated).
On a scale of 1-10 , how hungry are you right now?
I’m always fucking hungry. It’s nearly 5pm and I’m about to make an early dinner else I’ll eat all these Maryland cookies (the best cookies).
How has lockdown been for you?
I was shielding until mid July. Everyone else on my particular immunosuppressant had the shielding extension date letter but we were told we could ignore it by our consultant – but obviously still be careful. Video chatting my nears and dears definitely helped. I have grown closer to some people through jolting into extra effort. There are positives but it has been challenging on the ol’ mental health. I’m lucky I had some therapy recently and am now zen af.
Have you been more or less productive?
Up and down and never consistent. My to-do lists and flat are either hyper organised or a hot mess.
Anything else you'd like to say?
Just that I enjoyed this interview and I wish everyone love and peace and hope y’all got to do even something tiny and nice during the pandemic interval. Lots of love.
Facebook : www.facebook.com/siannythomascomedy

Photo credit : Sloane Harrison, On A Shoestring Comedy Competition, September 2017